Please review this entire document. Changes are made from time to time and we reserve the right to modify the terms and conditions found hereon at any time.
This document contains contact information and terms of use for this website. This information is important and all visitors are strongly urged to review it in its entirety. Use of this website presumes agreement with and acceptance of those terms and conditions listed within this page and this site, whether or not they have been reviewed by you or any person under your employ. If you are not in alignment with any matter contained hereon, please refrain from use of this site.


Our address of contact is:
404 West 7th Street
Austin  TX  78701
United States


All content found within this entire site is protected under United States Copyright law. © All Rights Reserved 2007, 2023. You may use and share that information found herein, but you may not duplicate it, duplicate it for distribution – whether for profit or not, modify it, or transmit it for any purpose other than those stated herein. Signed and notarized permissions are required for any duplication of content found within this site.

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From time to time, we may link to external websites. While we do our best to ensure that we link only to quality and legitimate websites. However, we have no ability to monitor, and therefore, ensure that such sites have not been infected by viruses or contain other content related to phishing and other illegal activities. In the event we have agreed to link to your site, we may unilaterally revoke that agreement at any time, for any reason, without any notice. You may only link to this site with our express written permission. In the event permission is granted to link to this site, we reserve the right to unilaterally revoke such permission at any time, for any reason, and without any notice.

Submissions to this Site

Commentary on this site and our topic is always welcome. However, it is strongly urged that you never “submit” any information that is proprietary in nature nor where such information may be a considered a yet-to-be-public idea. We cannot guarantee that viewers of this site would not use such idea(s) for their own benefit. Please direct your submissions and communications accordingly. All submissions made to this site are considered the property of site owner. Site owner is under no obligation to maintain confidentiality of any submissions or communications. Site owner having become the owner of such information, may disseminate, copy, forward or use such information in any manner it sees fit. This section constitutes license to full, unrestricted use of all communication posted and/or forwarded to this site without any form of compensation or remuneration owing to that party having originally submitted or posted such information. If you do not wish for your ideas and information to be made public, do not submit them into this website.


The term “forum” means any interactive service on this or a related site where users are making and/or posting comments, reviews, etc. At no time are you allowed to make any post considered vulgar, threatening, libelous, obscene, abusive to staff or other users, or any statements that would infringe on the rights and liberties of other users. Any form of harassing posting or postings that are in violation of the laws or are invasive of and in violation of another person’s privacy will be reported to the appropriate authorities. At no time shall any postings be made soliciting funds for any purpose including but not limited to commercial transactions, the provision of goods or services or the advertisement of same, or for stock, futures, options, or real estate investments.

Posts made to forums in and around this site may contain adult language and/or content. By using this site, you certify you are above the age of 18. For those over the age of 18, who may be offended by adult language and/or content, please refrain from use of this site.

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Persons posting to any forums or chat areas should never share personal information such as social security numbers, dates of birth, personal addresses, etc. This information can be used by identity thieves, spammers, and other parties operating outside of your best interests. We cannot guarantee the security of such information and visitors share such information at their own risk.

Users of this site are disallowed from making disparaging remarks regarding Mark Mueller and/or anyone associated with the Law Offices of Mark Mueller, on ANY public forums such as Yelp, Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, or any rating site whether in existence at this time. In the event a user disparages the name of Mark Mueller or any affiliated associate of same, said user(s) shall be liable for $2000 per view of such disparaging remark(s). This figure is not a penalty or fine, but an estimate of the damage disparaging remarks can cause to a person or brand.

Suspension of Registered Users

Owner of site may suspend or revoke permissions to access this site to any person at any time for any reason.


Owner of Site attempts to maintain the integrity of site for legitimate business purposes. We do not insure against hacking of this site and are not responsible for same. Anti-virus software is highly recommended for all internet activities. If you see any page located within this site that seems to violate fair practices, please email us immediately.

Owner of site does not endorse, warrant or guarantee any websites and/or services it may link to. Visitors should always attempt to ascertain the integrity of any person or entity with which he/she does business.

Limitation of Liability

Owner of site has no liability for user experience of this site. Owner of site has made every attempt to follow those laws necessary for the maintenance of site and user must exercise caution and good judgment before engaging with site. This Limitation of Liability extends to infection of visitor computers by corrupted or hacked pages within this site. At no time is owner of site responsible for lost or corrupted data on visitor computer(s). Anti-virus software is strongly recommended for any online activities.

Existence of external links is not an endorsement of products or services offered by those organizations being linked to from this site. Visitors are strongly urged to thoroughly research any individuals or companies with whom he/she chooses to do business with. Owner of site is responsible for no loss of monies experienced by the decision of user to engage the services of any provider linked through this site.

Terms of Use and Privacy policies of linked sites may vary from ours. Whenever visiting any website, it is recommended that visitors review the site’s Terms of Use, to ensure visitor is accepting of that website’s policies.


We do not share personal information of visitors to this site with any unrelated 3rd Party Company. From time to time, owners of this site may contact you by mail or by email. If you do not wish to receive emails from us, merely scroll down to the bottom of the email and click on the link requesting that you be opted out. If you wish to be removed from our call or postal mail communications, please email us at info@MuellerLaw.com giving us your first and last name and the email address you originally registered with and we will remove you from our database.

This site utilizes that same technology that most websites use. This technology permits us to collect certain technical information permitting ease of use for visitors coming to this site. Some technology is used for us to increase the overall user experience of this site. These informations are collected in aggregate form. In the collection of this information, no specific user is individually identified. Cookies are used for this data collection. A “cookie” is a small amount of data transferred to your browser by a web-server and can only be read by the server that gave it/them to you. Cookies serve as identifiers and enable the recordation of preferences, passwords, purchases, etc. as they pertain to THIS website only. If you do not wish to receive cookies, you my set your web browser to block them or to give you the opportunity to accept or deny them. Denial of cookies will usually prevent people from experiencing full functionality of some websites.

No Promises or Guarantees

Nothing contained herein shall infer that your case has a specific dollar amount associated with it. Each case is unique and stands on its own merits. Examples used in this site are mere examples and are not made to allow nor convince prospective clients to infer their case has an equal or similar value.

Legal Conflict and Operation of Law

This site is maintained and governed by the laws of California. Should any dispute or legal action arise, visitor agrees to venue as the Superior Court of Ventura County of California. The fact that a section of this Terms of Use may be marked invalid by operation of law or judicial review, will only render that specific item or section invalid, leaving the remainder in full force and effect. Those terms and conditions found herein such as visitor agreement to not violate copyright laws, extend to visitor even after leaving this site. Terms on this page may be modified at any time by site owner without notification to visitors.

In the event legal action is necessary to enforce any part of this Privacy Policy, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorneys’ fees, court costs and costs of collection. Interest shall accrue on owed sums at a rate of 11% compounded, per annum.